The Last Falls Standing : The Mystical Dodiongan Falls
  Project Narrative

Project Narrative

Title: The Last Falls Standing: Dodiongan Falls
Category: 5. Local Attractions (Natural and Man-Made)


School: Iligan City East High School-Sta. Filomena
    Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines

12 students, ages 15-16 worked together to complete this Cyberfair project on February 21, 2008. They have participated in Cyberfair in the following year(s): 2007,2008

Classes and Teachers: Mr. Exquil Bryan P. Aron, Ms. Susan C. Unde, Ms. Elvie S. Tiin, Rose Marie Ann M. Saavedra, Ph.D.

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Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Iligan City is known as the City of Majestic Waterfalls, there are more than 20 waterfalls in and around Iligan. Among them is the magnificent Maria Cristina Falls, home of Mindanao's primary hydroelectric power station, and Limunsudan Falls. Iligan is also the Industrial Center of the South. It produces hydroelectric power for the Mindanao region through the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR), the site of the Mindanao Regional Center (MRC) housing Agus IV, VI and VII hydroelectric plants. It also houses industries like steel, tinplate, cement and flourmills. The National Steel Corporation, one of the largest steel manufacturers in the Southeast Asian region, now Global Steelworks International Incorporated was re-opened in 2003 after heavy setbacks resulting to its closure in 1999. Iligan along with it's neighboring city, Cagayan de Oro City, are the two major components for the Cagayan-Iligan Corridor, the fastest developing area in Northern Mindanao. Dodiongan Falls is a 20 metre (65 ft) high waterfall located in Barangay Bonbonon, 14.5 km away from Iligan City in Lanao del Norte province of the Philippines. The area is often touted as a tourist destination for nature lovers travelling in the Philippines, and at the bottom of the falls is a pool which is advertised as being ideal for swimming.

2. Summary of Our Project

Dodiongan Falls, as part of Iligan’s prided falls, possesses great potential in the contribution on the economic boost of Iligan City as one of the city’s tourist spots. In doing this project, we wish to promote the effectivity of Dodiongan Falls as one of the tourist destinations found in Iligan City thus also assisting the locales in Barangay Digkilaan in which the said falls is found. Furthermore, we would like to bestow upon the world the hidden paradise within Dodiongan Falls. Thus, we took an effort, though we are still students, to preserve and sustain the grandeur by planting more trees and orient the people to protect the natural resources.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:none

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

Our school has 10 PC connected in the internet but we have done our project outside of the school particularly in the internet cafe, because we had no time to make use of the facility since we have to attend our respective classes. Moreover, the present computer-student ratio is 1:100.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

With the amount of danger ahead of us, we already anticipated such difficulties embracing with the terrain which we are not familiar. We have in mind great obstacles such as underdeveloped and slippery road, deep ravine, and raging river, snake and other wild animal bites we had to overcome to reach the area. We risk our lives just to pursue our goal; to plant trees, orient primitive people on conservation of natural resources and design and publish website for promotion and get help from our friends around the world through Cyberfair. It was really hard for us to get consent from our parents and school administrators but since our aim is sounds good and beneficial to all mankind, we were able to get their nod.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

“The Last Falls Standing: The mystic Dodiongan Falls”, is what we tagged on our project. We feel pity for the falls because no one knows how important it is. As we saw the great scenery, we agreed unanimously that someday, this will be gone forever! Thus, we took an effort, though we are still students, to preserve and sustain the grandeur by planting more trees and orient the people to protect the natural resources.

6. How did your activities and research for this Cyberfair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Because of this project, we were able to finish our school’s project in Science, Social Studies, Computer Education and Mathematics based on the learning competences found in the 2002 Philippine Basic Education Curriculum. It’s actually a collaborative project and deemed necessary for us to learn and apply what we have learned from our classroom

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Cyberfair project?

In the completion of this project, we utilized digital camera ( which was donated by the Parents-Teachers Association) for both photography and video footages. We went to the city and rented 3 units PC in the internet cafe for downloading photos and uploading our site. To acquire more information on the history of the local attraction, our group conducted oral interviews to the residents of the said barangay. Lastly, we also surveyed the citizens of Iligan City via questionnaire to determine the popularity of the said falls.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Cyberfair project both on-line and in person.

In conducting this project, we were able to promote awareness not only in our own locality but also in the international arena. Using the information we gathered from the said CyberFair project will lead to the preservation of the beauty of the falls, the rehabilitation and improvement of the location. Acting as “ambassadors”, we set ourselves as models for the next generation to help appreciate and promote the beauty of the nature within our locality. We initiated tree planting activity and information drive on the importance of conserving our natural resources.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

To increase the economic growth of our city, we advertise this unique mystic falls to tourists around the world and ensure their safety, comfort, amenities, and above all the enchanting experience with the expendable beauty and alluring communication within self and the mother nature. We now commit ourselves to the full preservation of the said nature’s wealth so that others will enjoy, Future plans for the development and preservation of Dodiongan Falls have started now in cooperation with the Office of Tourism under Office of the City Mayor Lawrence Cruz and the Barangay Captains of the 2 barangays (Digkilaan and Bonbonon) to safeguard. Foreign investors are very much welcome to visit and pour out their capital to develop and ascertain to preserve and sustain the nature’s wealth and become tourists destination. Thereby, generating income and jobs as well.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

With the help of the present Barangay Captain Magaro, we were able to go there safely with much hospitality among the people. Since, we were not familiar with terrain, three youngsters volunteered and guided us as we went through treacherous areas. Big rocks, slippery way and raging river, we had to by-passed to reach the area. It is clear in the pictures, we had to stick with our bare hands and offered each others help so that one will get hurt. When we conducted interviews on the tale, legend and the importance of the presence the falls, they were cooperative and willing to share to the best of their knowledge. They have shown great hospitality by offering us a shed where we had a place to eat and relax while we brainstormed and processed the information gathered.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

From our adventure, we have learned a lot of things especially in the environment. What we know from our four-walled classroom is not that real as what we experience outside particularly with nature. We learned to appreciate the beauty of nature and feel pity of its destruction, that is why, we initiated to plant more trees in the vicinity of the falls, at least, through it we are able to restore back trees, minimize global warming and generate water shed. We discovered how important Dodiongan falls is to the people inhabiting the place because its not just a falls to endure but the water running through it serves us irrigation to corn plants, vegetables, source of fish and most all their potable water.
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